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Neurology, Memory & Learning ONLINE

Learn ways to find ways to integrate, express, your truth, play, move and come to presence by learning about the ways your body/mind actually function!

Somatizations, bodywork, dance, and learning

Understand the anatomy function and gain access to:

  • The Gutbrain – Intuition, ancient brain,

  • The Vagal system – Polyvagal theory

  • Clearing the Synapse – Trauma recovery

This is a special opportunity to join us for a 9 day intensive workshop of Somatic Body Training by Christine Cole

Most adults trim their movement options, narrow their choices, and eventually get tired. Bored or depressed.
Let’s look at how the BODY gives us ways to support the clarity of our thinking and organizing: through meditation, dance and learning about this system. We will be looking at how memories are made , stored and retrieved. We will go deep into the vagal and autonomic nervous system and its embryological underpinnings. We will research emotions and movement, coordination, sensory integration and the thinking mind. This is an opportunity to go deep!
The photo shows the nerves securing the synapse on a muscle.

Our belly brain - the brain of the gut actually sets the tone for the rest of the nervous system. Would you like to feel more at ease with yourself? Calm in your organs and digestion? In this workshop you will learn hands on techniques to support and rebalance the depth of your gut and so you will get the opportunity to release and enter into the mind of the OLDEST nervous system: that of the gut! 

If you have any issues with digestion or would like greater access to your intuition - your gut feeling: this will be an opportunity to receive some touch and somatization to unwind these tissues.

Before animals had an nervous system, they were supported by the flow of fluids carrying information through the body. This chemical receptiveness is still in us. We can still rely on the flow of our movements and our fluids to support our nerves

When Organisms grow a Nervous System - which they do AFTER the muscles start moving - they are drawn to the movement - they perceive this muscle action and slowly start to coordinate these possible variants. The other information flowing back to the brain from the skeletal muscular system: sensation, digestion, tone are assembled into a whole 3 dimensional experience. 

We CAN keep going back to that initial sense of wonder. When we improvise/ play we offer our nerves a NOVEL experience to record and its sets a line of re- coordinations, relearning, surprise and AWE. Most adults trim their movement options, narrow their choices, and eventually get tired. Bored or depressed. Let’s look at how the BODY gives us ways to support the clarity of our thinking, through meditation, dance and learning about this system. The photo shows the nerves securing the synapse on a muscle

We plan our actions, receiving input from our movement and sensations - and our brain learns: Our brain learns through this amazing coordinated orchestral hum of activity. The brain is always active - not just when we are thinking.  We learn - when different nerves join into a same frequency! 

Activities such as singing lullaby, drumming, and dancing in rhythm can now be seen as supportive of learning and understanding.

  • Are you wondering how to support your clients in changing patterns they are stuck in?

  • Would you like to have different ways to shift out or fear or stuck places?

Lets looks at ways to support these loosenings, these shifts as a group - Let's look at how our ways of relating can support ease and flow of our ideas, plans and imagination! We  can dream and flow as well as think and plan – all of these are the body working with the Mind.

This underlying sense of flow, which can be experienced through sound, meditation of movement is a great tool for yourself, or your practice with clients in psychology, or body therapies.

In this course you will experience new ways to find FLOW in your body and allow your mind to rest, recuperate and re- ignite.

Earlier Event: August 19
Odd Somatic Embodiment